Saturday, August 15, 2009

What If ..........?

  • Time stood still, would we catch up with what we don't have time for?
  • We never got on the Slave Boat?
  • The colored man never was created?
  • We all Love one another like we should?
  • We didn't have the Government or Presidents?
  • People ruled the world?
  • We didn't have to pay taxes?
  • We didn't have to pay Social Security?
  • We treated each other equal?
  • Minimum wage was $10 a hour and price of living never went up?
  • Didn't have secret clubs?
  • We were made up of the Universe?
  • God just ask us to Love one another, instead of the 10 commandments?
  • The Bible wasn't all Facts?
  • Preacher taught the whole Bible instead of the parts they understand?
  • People in church act like they really in church?
  • Meat isn't good for us?
  • Your parents taught you the answers to the question i ask would we still be living in a colored man's world today?

Just think about this question then after try to find some might be surprise then again you might already know and just not excusing the(your) power to stand up for what you believe in ...

Peace & Love

Friday, July 24, 2009

Where is my 40 acres and mule


Definition: 40 acres and a mule is a term for compensation that was promised to be awarded to freed African American slaves after the Civil War 40 acres of land to farm, and a mule with which to drag a plow so the land could be cultivated.

I ask this question just like most of us do...
While researching I found out that a lot off song writers are asking the same question. My reason for asking might be different from theirs B.U.T the common denominator is that, it's on most people mine.

What"s Power Islam Self Self Equality Self me off is that after the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, his successor, Andrew Johnson, revoked Sherman's Orders and soon after most freed original man/woman was settled on 400,000 acres in 1865, President Andrew Johnson reversed the order and returned the land to its white former owners.

So Now Cipher Wisdom, most of the original people have to work extra jobs to make a living. When we could have been concerned about other things beside paying bills and how are we going eat until next pay period etc....

I know the 40 acres was only going to be awarded to those living in certain my thing is if you/they are not going to YELL out then I will ...............


Peace & Love to Sun's & Earth's

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Can I Be Myself?

My question is simply...Can I be myself? I ask this question b/c most of the time many say yes....b.u.t. many aren't accepting of the outcome.

I find this confusing. Me personally I can't be anything b.u.t. myself. When I try being someone that i'm not I begin to produce something unatural like a Yakub experiment ... It's like trying to be someone else just to fit in.

So with that said... I want people to understand it's okay to be yourself b/c that when you find your own identity. Plus, you begin to identify your friends and foes.

To be honesty as usual it took me about wisdom cipher years to come into the understanding that I need to be me... mainly b/c it was harder not being myself. The awesome part was when I married my SUN he allow me to be me with no boarders and when we came into the culture that's when I started to really find me and tair off the layers that wasn't of my natural self.

Allah Love Love in Allah Love Love who you are is what set you apart form others and if everyone wanted to be alike then I believe the world would pretty much be boring.

Peace & Love

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Build Or Destroy

There are times when my SUN builds me up and there are times when others destroy me.......Let me explain.
Yesterday I was talking to someone and they mention something about their "Mystery God" and Jesus the Prophet. The comment was regarding what their "Mystery God" had done for them.. Now when I hear this story... I have to be honesty it takes me back and I start to think "Well is there a "Mystery God" that protects us, and corrects us when we do wrong. Also, does this "Mystery God" not allow us to succeed if something isn't for you and rewards us when we do his will etc...."

I try not to let what others say influence me B.U.T. sometimes it hard. I believe its because I was taught this one thing for about Wisdom Cipher years that's what I have always relied on as truth.

If you my readers have any insight I would greatly enjoy reading your response...

Thank in advance Peace & Love

Saturday, June 27, 2009


This Morning about 3:00 a.m.(which is Understanding) I continued to read a book named "Our Saviour has Arrived," which had me thinking and questioning the clarity of God's exsistence "spirit". I came across the paragraph that states "Every eye shall see Him" (Rev.1:7) "No eye can see spirits," pg72 a light bulb went off in my head. I woke my SUN and started building with him about the Knowledge that I had came into.
That morning I received true Understanding that a man can't live without spirit and a spirit can't live without man...

I have to say that me being a Libra, makes me want to find other truth that will give me more evidence that there is no such "Mystery God" that most Build/Powers speak of. The reasoning behind me seeking truth is for clarity.........I want to give others a chance to learn truth and from there they can do as they please.

My concept is (if one wants truth they will search for it) Peace and Love!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


At this moment in my life I'm learning different Cultures and Religions.

For starters let me education you on my back ground. I was born Baptist and grew up Pentecostal . As I travel though the Pentecostal way of life I've came to know and love Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and no one could tell me anything else.

Now before I start saying that what I was told was a lie I, I have to be honest because I would only want the same from whatever documents or text I'm reading. Right now I'm still obtaining knowledge I have some proof b.u.t., I haven't came to a sound minded decision.

F.Y.I. if anyone else is going thought the same thing I want you to understand that your family may or may not be with you on this journey.

I deal with the constant questions of "do i believe in Jesus Christ not just God" or "why have you stop coming to church...." Earths, Just keep pushing through and find your answer because in the end you are the only that have to live with yourself.

Now to talk a bit about the culture, at 1st I thought this was going to change the way I thought about Religion, but what I've come to understand, is that it makes you aware of who you are as a Man or Woman, Black or White.

I'm just on the Supreme Math and Supreme Alphabets and as I apply them towards my life I've come to find Zig-Zag-Zig.

Well I think that's enough for today I have to go get off of work now( Ha Ha i know I'm a bad example when it comes to doing what you supposed o do at work.)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What If.........?

I always want to know WHAT IF?
So I've decided to ask my new and up coming readers some of my own question.

What If the world as we know it today is not what we think?
What if the world is really like the Matrix?
What if Jesus the Christ was only a prophet of his times?
What if GOD make us GODS?
What if when we die, there isn't a hell or heaven?
What if the world is control by Gold, Oil and Drugs?
What if all we're saving for is to make someone else richer?
What if the Banks Crash again?
WHAT IF.......... Ask yourself these question then take the time out and search for the answers, you might be surprised by what you'll find.